Roger Daltrey i 1967 |
I 1967 udgav the Who albummet The Who Sell Out, der var en finurlig, ironisk kritik af det, som man dengang kaldte forbrugersamfundet.
Her et halvt århundrede senere har Roger Daltrey - der jo i følge "My Generation" håbede at dø, før han blev gammel - svært ved at se det morsomme i nutidens kulturforbrug - og da især det herrens Internet.
Sådan går det:
The way the internet has come about has been the biggest robbery in history, like musicians should work for nothing.
You get paid for streaming, my ass. There's no control. Musicians are getting robbed every day. And now it's creeping into film and television, everything now.
You notice, the internet is a slowly but surely destructive thing in all ways. I don't think it's improved people's lives. It's just made them do more work and feel like they're wanted a bit more, but it's all bollocks.
They feel like they're wanted because they got 50,000 Facebook likes or whatever, and it's all bollocks. Look up for a while. Live in the real world.
Classic Rock, juni 2016
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